Tragedy: Is it really awful, or do we gain knowledge from misfortune?

Tragedy draws us closer to God, to family, to loved ones. We love reading novels and watching movies about tragic events, we cannot impede ourselves from rubbernecking an auto accident, we strain our necks to hear about another person’s calamity.

Why do we crave catastrophes? Oh, we say we don’t, but we certainly do. We desire the roller coaster of life, not the merry-go-round. Who wants to read about a faultless relationship, a perfect existence?

Maybe we read about other people's suffering, so that we can appreciate our circumstances in life.

Question: “Why do all your characters experience such tragedy?”

Answer: See above.

Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments, and I promise you I will answer.  If you’re curious about what I write, please visit my author page, where you can read all about my novels and short stories.  And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. 

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  1. Life without challenge is stagnation. The same applies to good fiction.

  2. I agree! Thanks for reading, Darin.

  3. The ability to overcome hardships is what makes us stronger people. It took me a while to realize that putting my characters through a tragic situation is what I needed to do in order to make my stories have heart and be realistic. Is experiencing tragedy we want to do? Of course not. But the way we handle it, survive and mature can make us better people. Putting our characters through it will make their own stories that much stronger.

  4. Absolutely! Walt Disney understood that! He recreated tales where the main characters were abandoned, orphaned, parents killed in front of them, left for dead, poisoned, abused mentally, spells cast upon them, and etc. If you put some of those stories into real-life scenarios depicting the scenes as they truly were...not sure that people could take it.

  5. Such is life. We've got to tell it like it is. I can't believe there is anyone who has lived without any strife. That's why readers relate to it.

  6. That's true, Kellianne! When we can empathize with the main character, it is more real to us as readers. And as writers, we have to be able to identify with all our characters or they won’t be believable.
