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"The Monsoon is Coming" Excerpt from ENTANGLED DREAMS

ENTANGLED DREAMS, my third novel, is releasing this summer.

Now, if you’ve read any of my novels or excerpts, you know I don’t do happy-go-lucky beginnings, and as in any good fairytale, a little rain must fall. Or in the case of my stories, I prefer a monsoon.
If you'd like to read the first two excerpts, click here. Don't worry; there's a link which will bring you right back.
I know you think the monsoon has already hit, but it hasn't yet...
This week’s excerpt:

The king started staying out later and later at night, and the princess had to do excessive amounts of chores around her new castle. Her stepmother treated her like a pariah; certainly, she’d rather have the dogs at their dinner table. Her stepsisters, who were ugly inside and out, were forever jealous of Alexandra and her golden-blonde tresses. Anything nice Alexandra ever received—mysteriously disappeared.

          Alexandra knew something was wrong with her father, but she was too young to understand. Her father, forever the happy-go-lucky guy, had turned to drinking to drown his troubles.  

What I write:

While I do not write "Christian" books, I do share my characters' Christian beliefs. My characters are real people who come with real flaws; no perfect people allowed.

I characterize my stories as modern-day fairytales, as they are overflowing with romance, mystery, suspense, and of course, tragedy. After all, what would a fairytale be without a tragic event setting the stage? All of my novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic and will hopefully make you cry, laugh, love, and hope.

Both of my published novels, She Belongs to Me and Land of the Noonday Sun, have reached bestseller status right alongside Nicholas Sparks, J.D. Robb, and other great authors. My third novel, Entangled Dreams, releases this month.

I love talking about all things books, so please connect with me via one of the links below.


Books available:

When two strangers have nothing left but their dreams, they must forge a relationship in Nantahala, North Carolina, a small town known as Land of the Noonday Sun.

After secrets and a mysterious background leave a wife’s life hanging by a thread, a husband must look for answers in the only place he knows—the past.

Now available at:

And coming soon, Entangled Dreams



  1. Congrats on your upcoming release!

    Loved your six...very intriguing..and I definitely want to k now more about poor Alexandra!

  2. I'm loving the evil step sister/mother approach as seen through Alexandra's young eyes. Can't wait for more!!!

  3. Aw, poor Alexandra. I love the way you are introducing her story. I can't wait to see what the monsoon is! :)

  4. Very you can see from my own six, I like a little monsoon, too. LOL. Great writing. So glad I found you!

  5. That poor girl. Just want to hug her!

  6. I always enjoy your stories and your heroines are such strong women - I'm sure Alexandra will come out all right but I just want to hug her today! Well done six!

  7. Aww, poor kid. I'm loving the Cinderella feel that you have going with this snippet. Well done!

  8. Hooray! Cinderella reboots! I love retellings of fairy tales :)


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