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Pretty satisfied with edits but had to stop when I cried over someone dying, and I'm the sicko who killed them!

When I sit down to write a novel, I generally have no idea where I’m going. My typical starting of a story is usually the main character, whether it’s the male protagonist or the female protagonist, and whatever issue they are facing.
From there, I just ask questions:
  • Why are they having this problem?
  • Who or what is directly influencing this issue?
  • How will they solve this affliction, ailment, or get rid of the antagonist?
  • And lastly, who will help them through it?

The great thing is that, just like the reader, I have no idea. I do not sketch out my books or decide how the story will end; I just start with the beginning scene.

I try to write two thousand words a day, and then every night I read the last few chapters to make sure the story flows, marking any areas that need addressing, and then go to sleep and allow the characters to come alive in my dreams. And oh, how they do.

It’s not unusual for hubby to see me sitting up, typing on my iPhone’s notepad. Often it’ll just be a great line or a missing link I was in search of.
When I finally finish the novel, I take an entire day and read from beginning to end, to make sure that the story flows, there are no holes or contradictions.
Easy, right?   
I’ve read this story almost thirty times at this juncture. How can it surprise me, how can it make me cry?
And yet, there I am, sitting on the sofa, my afghan curled around me, and I’m bawling over something that happened. Hubby, who has been sitting quietly by his computer, because he knows it’s read-through day, whips his chair around to face me and asks, “Are you okay?”
I swipe away my tears and answer, “Yes, I just can’t believe that happened.”
“Wait. I thought you were reading your book?” he asks.
“I am,” I answer. “But it still makes me cry.”
He shakes his head and goes back to typing his nonfiction.
Never get tired of what you do. Never stop loving what you do. When “work” becomes a four-letter word, find a new career.
I found this quote just a few days ago on Facebook and loved it because I believe it is so true. “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” — Robert Frost
Well, I’m always surprised, and I always cry. So if that’s what you enjoy, follow the links below for more information about what I write and even a free book.
And until next time, happy reading!

Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer.  If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by.

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  1. I understand completely. I'm much the same way, except that I write the book all the way through without stopping. Then I go through edits.

    My last novel ends sadly, and I tear up on every single readthrough and edit. I told my wife, "Jeez, I should be over it by now." She gives me a smug look. *sigh*

    1. Oh, great to know that male authors deal with this too, and it's not just because I'm a sappy female. LOL!

      But...funny thing. My hubby had no idea what I was writing this morning, and he read his blog to me and started tearing up... He walked away because something was stuck in his eye.
      I said, "See..."
      He responded, "Yeah, but mine is a true story."
      "Mine could be true too...It's real to me!"

  2. I'll have to kill off one of my favorite people in part two of my story, and I'm not looking forward to it.

    1. Have to, Marie??? If it's a character that everyone loves, prepare for a backlash. LOL! :)

    2. His death will be the catalyst for part three.

    3. Ahhh...the plot thickens. Well, if you have to, you have to. You are the expert in your own story. :)

  3. I had that happen as I wrote the ending to my manuscript a few weeks back. When the dog died I had to stop and find tissues before I could return and finish typing it out. Glad to know those tears mean I am on the right track!

    1. Absolutely, Christine! It took me days to finish the last chapters of "Marley and Me". Sad, yes, but I loved the emotion in the writer. I could feel is frustration, love, and sadness over the relationship with his pup.

      I have to admit I always write scenes that will make the reader cry, but...I always leave them then with a smile.


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