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Vote and WIN by judging this book by its cover! $10 Amazon #GiftCard and an #ARC!

As the sun’s rays peeked above the horizon, lighting the abyss below her, she inhaled a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped. She didn’t scream; she didn’t look down. As much as she hated her life, she hoped it wouldn’t end this way. She’d really like to see him one more time.
Her life didn’t flash before her eyes as she’d always heard. Just an image of her mother covered in blood and her Dark Angel telling her he was sorry.

This Labor Day Weekend, a new romantic-suspense with a supernatural edge is coming! Read on for a chance to win a $10 gift card and to be one of the first to read.

No matter what our mothers told us, we do judge a book by its cover.
So… I’m going to ask you to judge my new cover. Now the thing about a cover is that you don’t always have to like it, and it doesn’t always have to make sense. What’s important is that you are intrigued and want to know more. Thankfully, since most of my books are on Amazon, you usually see the book accompanied with the description, so my questions are for both the cover and the description.
Are you intrigued?
Do you want to read more?
I’m giving away a $10 gift card for your vote and offering ten copies the day Creatus publishes, which will be in a few weeks! So click your answers and have fun. All answers and comments are private, so be honest...umm...nicely. Remember, I'm still a woman.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much for stopping by my place. If you would like to read a little more about what I write, follow the links below. My stories are available in print and eBook formats at your favorite retailer. You can download my mini-mysteries with a paranormal edge absolutely FREE or start with my romantic-suspense bestseller She Belongs to Me for only .99 cents. From there, all my stories are priced 'less than a latte', so READ UP and enjoy!

Until next time, happy reading, friends!


I love talking about all things books, so please connect with me via one of the links below.


  1. Do you want me to vote? You already know my opinion. :-)

    1. Thanks, Terry! Feel free...after all there's a gift card up for grabs. I don't choose, Raffle Copter does, so everyone can play. And it will help me keep track of votes. :)

    2. Done. Thanks my friend!!

  2. Thank you so much, Amanda! Yeah...I'm not sold on the bridge either... It's a series, so each book is supposed to have a sketch of the main scene...and from the description, you can see the bridge is the main scene. BUT...I din't want an actual image because as you said, the REAL image is the Creatus Seal... So... I'm still deciding. I've had mostly, "Yeahs", but that's why I come out into my world of readers. :)

  3. The white background and pale bridge don't appeal to me. The seal is fine. If the seal is the real image, why not feature it, preferably on a colored background?

    1. Ahh...see that's what I've been thinking. The bridge is supposed to disappear in the background. Hmm...not sure how to make the title the main image unless it's diagonal. Hmmmm???

  4. I like Ellis idea! That seal is awesome..the bridge needs to be there but some how differently, to much white. Your other covers are very colorful...

    1. Thank you, Kim! Danged if I can find one, though. So much...stuff in the images...I found one...but designer is fighting me tooth and nail. Designers are artistic, so we are supposed to see through the images and make our own determination. Sigh! :)

  5. I like the simplicity of it. It is clean and uncluttered. It allows the eye to focus on the seal and the title since that is where the color is. Perhaps the angle of the bridge itself could be different, with the point of view turned to angle up toward the title. Or even head on as if looking across the bridge from the other end of it. But I like the cover. I would definitely pick it up to check it out further.

    1. Thank you very much, Sreya. So far, the 'ayes' have it. Same comments behind the scene as you mentioned. Since there are no images of people or scenes...the seal stands out and most want to know more. That's what my designer wanted, insisted we could be like everyone else or be different. LOL! one can say I follow rules, never have... Hmmm...decisions, decisions... Thank you for stopping by. :)

  6. The cover is too different from its genre for me. It doesn't look like romantic suspense, so if I were out shopping for that genre, I'd bypass this cover. It actually looks like religious nonfiction. *gasp*

  7. Hey, Carmen. How are you? Seems like it's been forever! The book sounds very interesting. Best wishes with it. As I said in the Rafflecopter comments, I have wanted to read some of your work, and this sounds like a good place to start.
    Have a good week. I just subscribed to this site, so hopefully I will be by more often. *waves*


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, James. I look forward to reading your comments tomorrow. More than likely I will have another contest up next week, as I have a few more covers to choose from. Hope you have a wonderful week. :)


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