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Why CREATUS? How do they differ from other supernatural beings?

Without giving away anything about my new series, as that is part of the pleasure of reading a new book, I’d like to share with you what Creatus aren’t instead of what they are. And why I felt the need to share their story.

I enjoy reading almost all genres, but one of my favorites is a little-known genre called ‘magical realism’. I love when an author can take normal characters who live and work among us, but then give me insight on what makes their character special and why they have a story to tell in the first place.

Whether it’s about psychic abilities, soul changing, or even paranormal activity, the key for me is that it’s believable--or at least plausible in some sense.

Since the beginning of the written word, storytellers have shared myths about supernatural beings. However, over the centuries, these supernatural beings have morphed into tales of vampires, werewolves, and superheroes that are so outlandish I find it hard to pay attention, let alone believe.

Don’t get me wrong; I still enjoy a well-written story about vampires and mythical creatures, but I crave a reason to believe. I want some reasonable basis for the story.

The idea of a person shifting into an animal form that's ten times the size of its human form, or a person having the ability to fly without the required body mechanics, makes little sense to me. But, I can’t discount that since biblical days, stories have amassed about sentient beings with superhuman strength.

CREATUS, from the Latin word meaning 'created' are the reason we believe in fairy tales—and monsters. Superheroes didn't come about by being bitten by a vampire, a werewolf, or a spider. Instead, perhaps the same superior being who created us created them.

Well, that’s all I can say for now. If you love enough supernatural in your romantic-suspense novel to make you say, “Hmm…” Prepare to believe…


  1. Happy Tuesday, Carmen. How's it going? I have very little time to read each day, and my TBR pile fell over long ago, but I promise I will be making room for one of yours very soon. You've got me really curious about this one.
    Anyway, I hope things are well with you and yours. Have a great week!


    1. Thank you, James, and I certainly understand. As important as it is for an author to read, I swear it's usually the last luxury I find time for anymore. I have been able to add to my reading via Audible, which I switch back and forth from listening to reading, but yeah, it's hard to find time, and I was one of those readers who downed a book daily. I still manage two to three a week, but most of those are work related--not as much fun. :)

      Have a great day, my friend!

  2. Oh, I definitely agree with you, especially with this one - "Superheroes didn't come about by being bitten by a vampire, a werewolf, or a spider." Superheroes are made/created, not born, and absolutely not mutated. Now, I've gotten more curious about your book! I will add this up to my TBR list..

    1. Thank you, Aryan! I hope you enjoy. CREATUS is still a romantic-suspense mystery, as my other novels, but I did a lot of research to add the element of paranormal. I hope I can bring you into my world. :)


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