The Problem with Superheroes, Titans, Zombies, and Vampires... The Creatus Series

The Creatus Series

Not that I have anything against any of the above entities, but only a select few of the books and movies with these preternatural sentient beings get it right.


They’d take out entire towns and demand sacrifices until a hero saved the day--usually, the god’s had to equip the champion, or the conqueror was part god in order to be able to conquer the typically enormous being with superior strength. Clash of the Titans


The good ones are okay, but what happens when they are under appreciated, or are just plain vicious. I.e. Superman Two, Megamind.


Never understand how they take over the world unless the stories include airborne infections. I mean, really, haven’t you made your zombie apocalypse plan? I know my husband has… Get out! Seek water. Heck, we know what to do when a hurricane is coming. Stock up on batteries, bread, and milk, and seal up the house. World War Z.


Only one vampire movie really got this one right, which leads up to my excerpt this week. Daybreakers. Have you seen it? Ugh! Gory, vicious, but it makes sense. In the second Twilight book, they tried to explain how the vampire elders stopped this from happening, but I think Daybreakers got it right. If you have a being that craves humans, has superhuman strength, and is immortal, face it; we don’t stand a chance.

Excerpt from Creatus

He stopped and glanced around the darkened park, thinking they should be getting home, but knew he needed to get to the scary part. The detail about his kind that fed the nightmares.
“We protect our own no matter what. Until there’s a rogue. As I said, we are mostly peaceful, but we do have our psychos, as humans do. The only problem iswhen one of my kind is homicidal, they eat their victims.” She shuddered and he rushed to assure her. “Don’t get me wrong. We don’t crave humans. Humans don’t even smell like food. Believe me, if my kind really craved humans, the human race would have been extinct a long time ago.”

The Creatus Series is not your normal paranormal's a realistic twist of the myths you've heard your entire life. Prepare to believe...


  1. I completely agree, Carmen, which is why Creatus restored my love of the paranormal genre. Can't wait to read Creatus Rogue!

    1. Thank you, Darcia! I hope you'll enjoy it. So far...two of my betas said it was the best yet. Squee! I hope that continues. :)

  2. I agree to Carmen, I can see Creatus out there among humans more than any of the above mentioned characters, that's how I see them, as characters, Creatus I see as can be real.

    1. <3 <3 Thank you, Kim! I can't wait for you to read 'Creatus Rogue'. I hope you'll love it! :D
