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"I wish I could let you see me." Excerpt from the New Paranormal Romance CREATUS (They Exist)

Creatus Series

For four thousand years, creatus have concealed themselves from the humans who hunted them almost to extinction. Now, one creatus will endanger them all by breaking one of their laws: falling in love--with a human.

This is just an excerpt. If you'd like to read the first three chapters you can read them here.

She stood and shoved her books inside her backpack, then crumpled up the drawing she’d been working on so diligently. She threw it in the trashcan, then darted out of the library.
He couldn’t stop himselfhe had to see it. He ambled toward the bin, his eyes darting around the library. Not that it was illegal, but he didn’t want the librarians to see him fishing through the garbage. He waited until all eyes were averted, then reached down so quickly that probably no one would have seen him anyway.
He waited a few seconds to make sure she’d pulled out of the parking lot, then walked outside and sat on a bench. He unfolded the wadded up piece of paper, but then gasped at the image.
He’d hoped that when she occasionally gazed up at the rooftops she was looking for him. And he’d been right. She was looking for him. Why else would she have drawn this image? Buthe’d also been wrong in thinking she couldn’t identify him. She’d remembered every detail of his face, his hair, his eyes. She knew him as intimately as he knew her. She’d only seen him twice, and both times, she’d been under duress. And yet, she’d captured his image perfectly.
He released a long sigh. If Michael ever saw this… If anyone ever saw this… As much as he didn’t want to destroy the drawing, he walked to the librarian’s desk, knowing they had a shredder. Without asking, he slipped the piece of paper he wished he could keep into the blades.
He whispered her name as the black and white image separated into thin white strips and dropped into the wastebasket. He closed his eyes… I want you to see me. I wish I could let you see me. But not yetmaybe someday.

The Creatus Series is not your normal paranormal's a realistic twist of the myths you've heard your entire life. Prepare to believe...


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