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Excerpt: She had no desire to kill anyone, but... Creatus Eidolon

Not all phantoms are myths...

For four thousand years, creatus have concealed themselves from the humans who hunted them almost to extinction.

Now, one rogue creatus faction wants the world to know they exist, and one woman with nothing to lose plans to stop them.

Whatever it takes, she will hunt down and kill the creatus who took her life from her.

This is an excerpt from Book Three in the Creatus Series, which is Coming Soon! If you'd like to start the series from the beginning, you can download the prequel, Creatus (They Exist)here

For those of you who've read the first three stories, you probably know who the character this week is. For the rest of you, I'm leaving out the names so there are no spoilers. The scene below isn't the cover scene...that comes later, but this is during training. Happy reading! J

Dressed in black yoga pants, a thermal shirt, and a black leather jacket so soft and comfortable that it felt like a second layer of skin, she followed him as he leapt from one building to the next.
His tall, muscular body was practically invisible against the starless, inky black sky. The only light came from below her, from inside office windows and residences of clueless humans going on with their lives as though acts of rape and assault weren’t happening in and around the very buildings they hid within.
She was looking forward to trying out her new skills, but only if someone really deserved it. She had no desire to kill anyone, but she’d always felt a strong urge to protect the innocent.
She fiddled with the cylinder strapped to her belt. She’d practiced for days, flicking it out, slicing it through the air, and ripping open a fighting dummy with a few perfectly positioned strikes. Not only had her flexibility and stamina improved, her strength had increased. Her body reacted immediately to training, and in just three days, her muscles were toned and strong. She’d also been practicing her leaps inside the stairwell. She was now able to jump as high as the fourth floor in their building.

The Creatus Series is not your normal paranormal's a realistic twist of the myths you've heard your entire life. Prepare to believe...

Creatus Eidolon is Coming Soon!

Kindle Unlimited Members, read the entire series FREE!

After downloading and Creatus Trivia for a chance to Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Brett! And those are some pretty cool jackets. I'd love to see the Creatus seal on one someday. :)


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