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Why would I want a literary agent? #AmWriting #SelfPub

In the past three years, I've done what I never thought was possible. I've published fourteen books, and I've been so close to Nicholas Sparks on the bestseller list that I could shake his hand...even while the book I sat next to was in the theatres.

I make enough money to eat and put a roof over my head. I absolutely LOVE playing on social media, chatting with my friends, meeting new ones. I now have a great team of editors and beta readers. My previous life I was in sales and marketing, so I know how to launch a book and make it a bestseller the day it releases...

So, why would I want an agent?

That question wasn't really rhetorical. It's a real question, because I do want an agent! Prior to publishing my first book, I spent every spare minute of my time writing or socializing on social media. See, I knew that even though I wasn't a published author, I needed to build my brand. I had my first cover designed before I even submitted my first manuscript to agents. Since readers didn't know my face, it was my brand. I'd decided that people needed to not only know who I was, but what I write, before I was anyone.

Let's face it... You can write the best book in the world, but if no one knows about it, you won't sell any. For that matter, you can write the worst book in the world, but if it's marketed properly, it'll fly off the shelves.

So again, back to my original question....

Why would I want an agent?

Easy... I want to write and socialize. Before I published my first book, I spent every spare minute writing and refining. I wrote four novels prior to publishing my first book. Because that's all I did: write and talk about writing.

Now, even though I make time to write and talk about books, it seems that the majority of my time is spent figuring out how to keep selling my books.

I don't want the job of selling my books. I want people to buy my books from me because they like me and what I have to say on social media. I want to talk about writing again, instead of worrying about selling. I want the agent, marketing advisor, and publisher to worry about how to sell my book. I want the professionals to worry about when they should advertise it. I want someone to keep me on a deadline, give me honest to goodness suggestions when they read my rough draft, because it affects their bottom line too.

Yes, I've had a publisher in the past, and she was great, but I was just a tiny link in the chain. I want a hungry agent who will starve unless she sells my book to one of the big five, and I want her to snatch me up an honest to goodness movie deal.

I want to see my characters come alive!

It's simple really, and it's not about the money. More than writing, I want to be everyone, everywhere. Not because I want notoriety.  Trust me...I hate the limelight. My mother was a semi-famous singer and I hated being on stage with her. Only one of my in-person, people-I-can-touch friends even knows I'm a writer. Heck, ninety percent of my family doesn't know I'm a writer, even my mother. You heard me. I'd written four books before I even told my hubby and kids I was a writer. Proof, I think, that it's not about people knowing I'm a famous author.

So...what say you? Why do you write? Are you one hundred percent against an agent? If Nicholas Sparks' agent knocked on your door and said I can sell your books to one of the big five, would you accept?

Until next time, happy reading and writing, my friends.


Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. I love talking about all things books, so if you want more posts on writing, marketing, new releases, and giveaways, please leave your email address here. I only send out a post once or twice a week at the most. :)

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  1. Carmen, you took the words right out of my mouth! I have no interest in notoriety--which is probably why I hole myself up to write--but I do desire to share my stories with readers. If Nicholas Sparks' agent knocked on my door, I'd sign on the dotted line in a heartbeat. Marketing has become increasingly difficult, and it's harder than ever to get noticed. Believe me, I'm no Nora Roberts--but I do think my books have something to offer to someone. I just need a way to find my audience...

    Thanks for writing this post. Enjoyed, as always, and will share.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Linda! I'm so pleased you enjoyed my musing.


  2. Hey Carmen, me too. If you find that super hungry agent, please let me know.
    Meanwhile, may your books sell millions!

    1. LOL, Browyn! Will do! And thank you...that'd be nice, but I won't hold my breath. :

  3. Good luck getting one, then. And I hope that if you do, you get everything you want out of the experience.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! It's kind of like winning the lottery, though, huh? If you don't buy a ticket, you probably won't win. I guess I need to submit a query to find an agent. Sad, that I wrote all that, but I have nothing new to submit, since I'm working on the fifth and sixth books in my two series. lol!

  4. I would love an agent for those very reasons, Carmen! I do not have the time to devote to studying how to market more effectively, so what little I have garnered since publishing my first novel has come in fits and spurts. I would far rather spend my time writing, and allow someone else the job of selling for me.

    1. Exactly, Cathy! Of course, you know I offer my services free, though, right? Just visit I do my very best to use my marketing skills to assist my friends. It's easier to give others a push than to push yourself. I think that's a great advantage that Indie authors have. We help ourselves by helping our friends. Like we do on Triberr together. :)

      Someday...maybe it'll all come back to us. lol!

    2. Oh...I just got a reminder that our forms are sold out at the moment. But just check back in a few days and let me know if/when you run your next promotion and I'll be glad to help. :)


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